Bircherley can answer all of these questions for you.
Free Print Audit
We offer a free print audit and consultation to understand your business and then provide a tailor made proposal created to fit your business needs.
Our Print Audit Service answers these questions for you. Your company can gain valuable information on how it produces its documents. This is vital to ensuring you get what you want out of your print and copying solutions and to make sure your document processes are seamless.
We will ask you to provide us with the following information in order for us to help you decide on the most appropriate print or copy device:
• Your office size and volume
• The required speed of printing
• Your business budget
• Whether you are looking for colour, non-colour, laser or multifunctional
• The required paper handling choices
• Budgeted ink, toner and running costs
• If image processing is required
• Types of features you require
• The compatibility with other devices
We will use this information to ensure we advise you on the most appropriate print or copier device. Our approach is transparent and we will therefore provide you with information to distinguish the differences between our print and copier devices, in order for you to fully understand all of your options.
Please fill out the below form to arrange your free print audit and consultation.